3435 Orchard Lake Rd Keego Harbor, Michigan 48320

Will Porcelain Veneers Look Authentic?

Do you feel unhappy with the way that your teeth look? Porcelain veneers from your cosmetic dentist in Keego Harbor, MI can treat a variety of aesthetic issues. These cap-like shells adhere to the front of your teeth to construct an enhanced-looking smile according to your unique aesthetic goals.

Though the benefits of this treatment seem evident, some people might worry that introducing fixtures to their smile may appear jarring and strange. You can rest assured that your dentist prioritizes an authentic finish in smile enhancement with veneer treatment. Read on to discover how dentists ensure that your porcelain veneers will look both gorgeous and natural in your smile.

Will Porcelain Veneers Look Authentic

Durable Porcelain Creates a Natural-Looking Appearance

To give patients a beautiful and natural-looking finish to their veneers, dentists choose to build these fixtures from porcelain. Porcelain allows dentists color-matching opportunities that will blend with the patient’s smile while also covering dental stains and other cosmetic issues effectively.

This material will also mimic the glossy appearance of natural teeth, which means you can avoid any matte, false-looking effects. Porcelain is also strong, so patients can perform oral functions like biting and chewing without worrying about hurting their veneers.

Materials like resin might be subject to staining and other deterioration. But with porcelain, your veneers can look stunning and remain in place over the teeth for fifteen years. Maximize benefits from veneers by considering your dentist’s aftercare guidelines.

Individualized Cosmetic Dentistry for Optimal Smile Enhancement

Dentists make sure that their patients can receive the best, most authentic, and most beautiful results from cosmetic dentistry by employing an individualized approach to smile enhancement. This means that the dentist will offer cosmetic treatment according to the patient’s specific oral health needs and aesthetic goals.

The dentist will ask a patient to attend a dental consultation before beginning treatment. This way, they can look for potential oral health issues that might disrupt treatment. And they can adjust the treatment according to the patient’s existing dental structure and desired results.

Then the patient can feel confident that the dental work they pursue will work for them without causing problems with their smile down the road. If they undergo porcelain veneer treatment, the patient can also look forward to custom-made fixtures.

Dentists build unique veneers for each patient based on impressions of their teeth. The veneers can then suit the size, shape, color, and position of the patient’s natural smile. This approach ensures the final look appears radiant as well as natural.

When the dentist secures the veneers to the teeth with bonding material, they will also check the patient’s bite before they leave the office. This evaluation will affirm that the new fixtures do not interfere with the patient’s oral function and fit comfortably and securely.

Properly fitting veneers will have a lower chance of breaking and harming underlying teeth. Learn more about the treatment process and how to maximize the longevity of veneers when you call your dentist.