3435 Orchard Lake Rd Keego Harbor, Michigan 48320

Custom Mouthguard Keego Harbor, MI

Do you or your child play contact sports like hockey, soccer, or lacrosse? Are you experiencing jaw and tooth pain from teeth clenching and grinding? Professional, custom-made mouthguards can protect your smile. Nightguards address TMD symptoms like bruxism, and sports mouthguards protect against hits to the teeth or soft tissues. Dr. Anthony Yaldo can create custom mouthguards for patients in Keego Harbor, MI, and the surrounding areas. In addition, mouthguards can prevent dental problems down the road. Dr. Yaldo also provides general dentistry services to patients in Keego Harbor.

Sports Mouthguard in Keego Harbor, MI

Custom Mouthguard Treatment in Keego Harbor, MI

Our custom-made mouthguards help patients preserve their smiles. Wearing a mouthguard can prevent tooth wear, tooth loss, and other problems:

Sports Mouthguards 

Children and adults can receive sports mouthguards to wear during sports. Mouthguards are particularly important for contact sports or sports with contact between players. Wearing a properly fitting mouthguard will protect the smile and prevent dental injuries.

Custom-made sports mouthguards can:

  • Prevent broken or lost teeth
  • Protect braces and orthodontic appliances
  • Allow wearers to drink and speak clearly

A customized mouthguard will not fall out of the mouth during sports. When patients wear ill-fitting mouthguards, they may feel like they have to clench their teeth or jaw to keep them in place. With custom mouthguards, patients can focus on their game without distractions.


Dr. Yaldo recommends oral appliances or nightguards for some patients with TMD. Temporomandibular joint disorders create dysfunction in the joints that control biting and chewing, leading to discomfort. In addition, many patients with TMD clench or grind their teeth unconsciously during sleep, which wears down the tooth enamel, leads to jaw pain, and contributes to headaches and migraines.

Wearing a custom-made acrylic nightguard will prevent further wear to the teeth. The hard acrylic of the nightguard also discourages chewing on the nightguard. TMJ nightguards cover the upper or lower tooth arch. Dr. Yaldo ensures the mouthguard evenly rests on your teeth and feels comfortable. Then, he will adjust the mouthguard to fit you perfectly. 

Protect Your Smile

Do you need a TMJ or sports mouthguard? Schedule a dental appointment with Dr. Yaldo today. You can also call Orchard Lake Dental Care for a consultation today at (248) 780-7062.