3435 Orchard Lake Rd Keego Harbor, Michigan 48320

Dental Implants Keego Harbor, MI

Do you have missing teeth and need to restore your smile? Maybe you already have a restoration but can’t eat the foods you want, and it’s hard to speak clearly. Dental implants are the premier restorative dental treatment for patients missing one or more teeth. They can secure single dental crowns, dental bridges, or dentures. Dr. Anthony Yaldo offers restorations that use dental implants in his Keego Harbor, MI, dental office. Dental implants can support single missing teeth or bridges and dentures that replace all the teeth in the smile.

Dental Implants in Keego Harbor, MI

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Implants offer many advantages for patients missing permanent teeth. Dental implants can improve:

  • Bite Function: With implant-supported restorations, patients can bite and chew normally. Missing teeth and gaps in the smile create an uneven bite, making eating difficult or uncomfortable. An uneven bite can also place more pressure on the jaw or TMJ. Replacing missing teeth creates an even bite, allowing patients to eat the foods they love with fewer restrictions. 
  • Bone Support: Because dental implants fuse with the jaw bone, they support the bone tissue. Missing teeth leave gaps in the smile and abandon support to the underlying bone tissue. Implant posts renew this support and help create a stable foundation at the tooth root.
  • Aesthetics: Implants improve the look of the smile and the jaw. Many patients with multiple missing teeth lose support in their jaw bone, meaning they can experience facial sagging. Implants support the jaw and help reverse sagging. Dental implants can also fill gaps left by missing teeth to create a more aesthetically pleasing smile. 

Dental Implants in Keego Harbor, MI

Dr. Yaldo works with local implant surgeons to place dental implants. Dental X-rays will be required to help plan treatment and to help the oral surgeons determine the best implant placement to optimize bone tissue. Some patients may require bone grafting treatment before they receive implants if they have lost sufficient bone tissue. Bone grating supplies healthy bone tissue where needed so the implants can properly fuse with the jaw bone. Dr. Yaldo will also ensure that patients do not have any outstanding dental problems like gum disease or cavities to prevent problems during the implant process. 

An oral surgeon places the titanium implant posts in the jaw bone beneath the gums. Over a period of three to six months, the posts will fuse with the jaw bone. This process is called osseointegration. Then, Dr. Yaldo will restore the implants with a dental crown, dental bridge, or denture. He will take impressions to ensure that the restorations match the color and size of adjacent teeth or the patient’s desired look. Finally, once the implants have healed and the permanent restorations are complete, Dr. Yaldo will attach the permanent restorations to the implants. 

Restore Missing Teeth Today

Contact Orchard Lake Dental Care for restorative dental treatment today at (248) 780-7062. You may also request a dental appointment with us online. Orchard Lake Dental Care serves patients from the Orchard Lake Village area.