Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Are your gums sensitive to cold foods or drinks? You may have gingivitis or gum inflammation. Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis or gum disease if left to develop. Gum disease begins as gum inflammation when harmful bacteria break down the gum tissue. Harmful bacteria can build up on the teeth and gums, creating a sticky film called plaque. Over time, gum disease can lead to gum recession and even tooth loss. We offer periodontal disease treatment for patients in our Keego Harbor, MI, dental office to restore their gums and prevent gum and bone loss. Periodontal disease treatment is one of the restorative dentistry treatments we provide to the public.
What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?
Visit the dentist if you notice changes in your gums, including:
- Bleeding gums
- Gum sensitivity (especially to temperature)
- Inflamed and irritated gums
- Gum recession
- Red and purple gum tissue
Over time, gum disease can loosen the teeth and even lead to tooth loss. Addressing early gum problems like gum irritation and inflammation will prevent severe cases of gum disease and reverse symptoms. Gingivitis is reversible. As gingivitis becomes a gum disease, preventing permanent gum damage can become more difficult.
Periodontal Disease Treatment in Keego Harbor, MI
Deep cleanings and even dental lasers can help patients with gum disease restore function and comfort to their smiles. Scaling and root planing are treatments used in tandem to clean the gums and tooth roots. During scaling treatment, we remove plaque and tartar from the gums. Plaque is a sticky bacterial film that can harden to form tartar. It is more difficult to remove tartar at home, which is why routine cleanings and scaling treatments are important. After scaling, we will recommend root planing. Root planing removes bacteria from the tooth roots to help them reattach to the gums.
Laser dentistry is also an option for patients with severe gum disease who don’t want traditional gum surgery. Dental lasers use light and heat to cut and remove gum tissue. The lasers also target the treated tissues and minimize bleeding because they cauterize the tissue.
Improve Your Gum Health
Are you noticing sudden gum problems or changes in your gum health? Contact Orchard Lake Dental Care for treatment today at (248) 780-7062. You can also schedule a dental appointment with Dr. Yaldo on our website.